Friday 10 June 2011

Sealing It with Clarissa

Hello, World.

       For this last post, I would like to conclude my discussion of Women's Literature by using Virginia Woolf's style of writing. This style of writing is one that is very jumpy, which quickly transitions between many different topics, and which resembles a train of thought. I believe that writing in this style will allow me to touch upon every subject, topic, theme, etc. that I have discussed throughout this semester. Let me start my creating a list of everything that I have talked about in this blog:

  • Increase in female equality
  • Domestic life
  • The color red in women's literature
  • Nature (innate behaviour vs. society)
  • Prejudice
  • Beauty
  • Media and the industry
  • The working world
  • Beauty vs. intelligence
  • Rape
  • Identity, ignorance, clothing (Jasmine specific)
      Now begins my train of thought:

       It is amazing how much has improved throughout the year regarding female equality and equity. But, it is also amazing how little has change (especially in people's minds). Women, although statistics show that they are increasingly getting high-paid jobs, attending 'better' universities and becoming more free, they are not necessarily getting the respect and rights they deserve. However, I am extremely proud and happy with the positive change.
       Regarding domestic life, like in Jury of Her Peers (1916), by Susan Glaspell, women are usually expected to be stay at home moms. Men constantly adopt a haughty behaviour which establishes an unfair and unwelcome supremacy. They don't realise that women are extremely bored and not used to their full capability. Well, not used in that manner, used as in useful. Where they feel like they have purpose, rather than being tossed aside. 
       Women's Literature is one that contains numerous references to the color red, especially in The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood. it symbolises an extensive library of things, including periods (a women-specific 'ritual', death, and love. Red itself is a very powerful color and is therefore used often to symbolise the powerful topics within Women's Literature.
       Nature is also a very 'hot topic' sparking many debates and fights within Women's Literature. The idea that female inequality is natural or innate is very debatable. Dr. Umemoto has said in class said all ancient civilisations usually worshipped a Mother Goddess, and society is the cause that all religions and governments now are usually patriarchal. This change demonstrates what I believe: that inequality is completely societal, that it has been built rather than implied.
       Prejudice is usually regarded as something that is only applied to different cultures (different countries, tribes, etc.) but it also applies to women. Woman are said that they can't drive, that they must be beautiful, that they aren't strong or not capable of men's tasks. These prejudices are common and terrible. They must be fought with full force! This is especially true because every woman are different, and even though an attack on women is bad, a generalisation of women is even worse.
       The media and the industry are a great cause for female inequality. Although they directly don't harm them, they kill women internally. They constantly bombard us with advertisements and impossible ideals that rot away our finances and soul. It is so depressing to see so many people force depression and self hatred.
       Women's Literature, and feminism in general fights a constant debate between beauty and intelligence. Women are often said that they can only be one or the other, that they can either be beautiful or intelligent. This is due to the fact that beautiful women don't have time to study, because they are constantly exercising or putting make up on. The same applies for the reverse because intelligent women don't have time to take care of themselves because they must study, research, etc.
       An important aspect of feminism, is rape. As I discussed in my blog sequence, rape is a violation of women because it directly harms and controls the vagina, which is the major symbol for women (obviously because they are the only who has it). Rape is scarily prevalent yet very ignored. This is dangerous because victims become mute and the fight can therefore never be won. This is also supported and emphasise by the glorification of rape through images and videos that the media constantly throws right into our face!
      Jasmine, a fantastic book about cultural clashes, really exemplifies and showcases the struggles that a woman faces as she completely changes cultures. It is so interesting to see that women fight many of the same issues worldwide and that yet, no global effort is being made to end cruelty to women. This novel also discusses in depth the issue that many people (not just women) have: multiple identities. It is so hard, especially for someone (like me!) who moves a lot to identify yourself as one person, or identify one place as your home.
      In conclusion, (wow, a final conclusion), Women's Literature is something that is so often overlooked and ignored, yet really exemplifies a wealth of knowledge. I have learned so much throughout this course and looking back on just the number of topics that I have covered just throughout this post (Mrs. Dalloway-style), I realised how many different layers of feminism there are. Women fight so many battles that are not even acknowledged.

For the last time...

Goodbye, World.

The Consequences of Rape: What it Does to Victims (4)

Hello, World.

       I would like to finish this blog sequence by discussing the consequences of rape. Rape, as previously discussed, is a serious violation of the woman, because it directly violates the major symbol of a woman, her vagina.
      Rape, can be a very emotional disaster, which both physically, emotionally, and mentally damages a woman. In the Beauty Myth, by Naomi Wolf, the author discusses the effects of rape in her section titled 'Sex'. Firstly, she says that there is a "prevalence of sexual violence" which means that rape is common, and more important, violent. It has tremendous consequences (155). One such result is that it "prohibits female sexuality from developing organically, and makes men's bodies appear dangerous" (155). This is especially relevant to a rape victim, who, after she has been violated, will be scared to start a anew with men. Of course, I am not saying that all rape victims become lesbian. I am trying to say that rape, which is such a traumatic experience, can seriously affect and influence a women's perception of men.
       In addition, women, after they become victim to a rape incident, can and most likely will live a life in constant fear. They will be constantly paranoid because something that they thought would never happen to them, or that wasn't common is now a blatant reality to them. Now, they are scared that it will happen again, since they're first catastrophe was so devastating. Not only does rape make men's bodies appear dangerous and scare women from developing a normal relationship again, they become constantly paranoid and fearful.
      Another example of this is in the Vagina Monologues, by Eve Ensler. In one of her many personal stories, she discusses an incident with a man where the women does live in fear. The victim stated that her vagina was "never opened for business again" since 1953! (28). The consequences can be very drastic as is also seen in another interview: 'The Little Coochi Snorcher that could'. The woman interviewed talks about how she was raped, when she was ten, by her father's best friend. After that, she says her vagina is a "very bad place" or a "a place of pain, nastiness, invasion and blood" (79). The consequences are tremendous and impossible to avoid.
       To conclude this sequence, I would like to say that rape is something that is grotesque, scary, yet prevalent. It is something that affects both men and women, ALL, in negative ways. It cannot be ignored, and is something so traumatic that it needs attention. Victims, as hard as it is, need to speak out so that we can win this war against rape.

Goodbye, World.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Well, it isn’t Schizophrenia… (3)

Hello, World.

       In this last post, I will discuss the last two topics of this sequence: the stereotypes and ignorance that Jasmine faces as well as the clothing motif in Jasmine by Bharati Mukherjee.
       When one talks about cultural changes, stereotypes and clashes form the basis of conversation. For Jasmine to have switched from one completely different culture (India) to another (America) lays the foundation for Indian stereotypes to be shot at her. This is especially relevant because she lives in Iowa, where, pardon me, but people are not the most sophisticated or educated. A optimal example of this is when Jasmine was cooking dinner for some of Bud's friends:
“You aren’t making the yellow stuff, Mrs. R.?” I detect disappointment.                               “I will if you name it".                                                                                                                I see him whispering to Du, and Du’s bony shoulders shrug.                                      “Globey?” he says. (19).
For me, the attitude in which this was said was very condescending in two ways: naming their food 'stuff' and that Globey seems like a mumble of sounds, rather than a beautiful foreign language.
       Another instance of ignorance, is when she says: “Taylor’s friends in New York used to look at me and say, “You’re Iranian, right?” If I said no, then, “Pakistani, Afghan, Punjabi?” (33). This is typical American ignorance that everything apart from their own little world is the same; all African countries are the same, all asian countries are the same, all European countries are the same. They refuse to acknowledge difference and diversity and Jasmine becomes a victim of that, in her new society.
       Another important aspect of this novel is the recurring motif of clothing. A very important dissimilarity between cultures is clothing and Mukherjee plays on this very frequently. As Jasmine arrives in America, American clothing seems to have such a huge importance. One of the first steps of her recovery from the rape-incident, for example, was a trip to the Mall with Lillian. After she settles down for a bit she says a very powerful statement: “American clothes disguised my womanhood” (145). The clothing serves as a significant symbol because it is so different and new. She feels American inside it because she resembles an American citizen. She finally integrates in the culture she has actively sought.
       Finally, clothing acts as a seal, or a conclusion to her settlement in America. She says that "Lillian used to send me twenty dollars and a pair of hand-knitted pink wool slippers every Christmas" (136). This is important not only because it displays kindness in America, but also because clothing (which is also a general given to survival) is being frequently given to Jasmine. She has finally thrived beyond survival in this wilderness we call America. She has settled and emerged victorious.
       In conclusion, there are many themes, motifs, and metaphors throughout the novel: multiple identities, the clay pitcher metaphor, stereotype, and clothing, which identifies, explains, and discusses the general and major theme of cultural clash in Jasmine, by Bharati Mukherjee.

Goodbye, World.

Well, it isn’t Schizophrenia… (2)

Hello, World.

       In my last post, I discussed the multiple identities (and their consequences) of the main character in Jasmine by Bharati Mukherjee. In this post, I am going to continue this sequence by discussing the clay pitcher metaphor throughout the book.
       The clay pitcher metaphor is an ambiguous recurring metaphor throughout the book which undoubtedly has an important significance. Mukherjee introduces it through the villagers in Jasmine's hometown, Hasnapur: “The villagers say when a clay pitcher breaks, you see that the air inside it is the same as outside. Vimla set herself on fire fire because she had broken her pitchers; she saw there were no insides and outsides. We are just shells of the same Absolute," (15). In my opinion, the author introduces this metaphor to emphasize the culture clashes that Jasmine faces to explain the difference between her internal and external selves, the her soul/personality and the variable environment around her. There are numerous dichotomies throughout the book, including a clash between her internal and external selves. Her internal self constantly tells her to have good morals and to stay true to her heritage whilst her external self seeks out happiness (which mainly consists of a significant other). This is evident when Jasmine says: “Fact is, there was a difference. My father was right to notice it and to let it set a standard. But that pitcher is broken. It is the same air this side as that. He’ll never see Lahore again and I never have. Only a fool would let it rule his life.” (43). She talks about the difference between her old and new life, and the consequences that occur because of that difference.
       This dichotomy reflects the same battle between her soul/personality and her constantly changing environment. When she becomes a rape-victim, when she arrives to America, she contemplates suicide and takes a giant step towards death. Her balance, her sanity, and her life are very shaky because her femininity has just been violated and because she has just completed the largest 'etape' between her old culture and her new one. She prays to the God of Death, and says that the “The pitcher is broken” (120). The pitcher, in this instance, represents the emotional balance that can be easily disturbed in a cultural clash.
       I will conclude this sequence with my discussion of the stereotypes and ignorance she faces as well as the recurring clothing motif in Jasmine.

Goodbye, World.

Friday 20 May 2011

Well, It Isn't Schizophrenia... (1)

Hello, World.

       In Jasmine, a book by Bharati Mukherjee, the main character is an Indian woman whose transition from India to America leads to a clash of cultures where she experiences ignorance, judgment, and an identity-crisis. As we discussed in class, Jasmine undergoes a hero's journey whose individual stages are categorized by her extensive variety of names: Jyoti (in India), Jasmine (as she arrives to America), Jase (a Taylor-specific name for her in New York), and Jane (in Iowa, with Bud). In this blog sequence, I will discuss the many stages of her life represented by her collection of names, as well as the clay pitcher metaphor, the stereotypes and ignorance she faces, and the clothes motif throughout the novel.
       As Jasmine moves away from India to America, the different stages of her travels are so unique and important that a new identity is attributed to her every time. In her home town in India, she is known as Joyti and, as she moves away, she solidifies her departure by changing her name to an American one: Jasmine. Once she moves to New York and falls in love with Taylor, he identifies her with an endearing 'Jase' and Jane, her final name, is given to her by Bud, her partner in Iowa. Her many names categorise the many moments of her incredible odyssey across America. Mukherjee describes how every time that Jasmine adopts a new identity, she is metaphorically "reborn," (163). In a luncheon, she says "I am sure that I have been reborn several times, and that yes, some lives I can recall vividly" which acknowledges her many identities but also tells us, since her memories are so vivid, that each stage of her life is filled with so many dramatic moments that they couldn't possibly all belong to the same victim (126). Each stage of her life ends with a drastic event (such as her husband's death, a rape incident, the sight of her husband's murderer in NY, and her neighbour's suicide).
       Evidently, this results in a lack of identity because it has become impossible to identify Jasmine as one person. The author's writing makes this clear when she describes Jasmine seeing "ghosts float towards [her]. Jane, Jasmine, Jyoti," (21). Understandably, she doesn't know who she is, for example, when she says “In Baden, I am Jane. Almost,” (26). The transitions between life-stages are so drastic and abrupt that they lead to multiple-personalities.
       Finally, one must notice that only one of her names was used as the book's title: Jasmine. We discussed in class how the hero's journey, developed by Joseph Campbell, applies to Jasmine. I stated that this cycle does occur in the novel but only starts from her arrival to America, when she meets Taylor (because Taylor is her final result); by then, her name is Jasmine. I believe that Mukherjee uses Jasmine for the title not only because it represents the biggest stage of her life (her departure from India), but also because it  marks the beginning of her journey in America. As Jyoti 'dies' and is reborn as Jasmine, she begins her adventure in America to find the love and happiness that her life in India didn't give her.
       In my next blog post, I will discuss the clay pitcher metaphor, the stereotypes she becomes victim to, and the motif of clothing throughout the novel to further analyse the culture clash represented by Jasmine's journey.

Goodnight, World.

Monday 9 May 2011

The Reason For Rape: Man's Motivation Cont. (3)

Hello, World.
       In my previous blog post, I started discussing the possible reasons for rape. I wanted to explore possible explanations, triggers, or influences that encourage men to commit crimes of sexual violence against women. In this post, I will talk more about men attempting to get away with raping or using blame, or excuses to keep their record clean as well as encourage them to rape again in the future.
       Additionally, it must be taken into consideration that men constantly pursue ways of having better sex. A seemingly obvious explanation for rape in fact is quite honest and powerful: Some men rape women simply because it is 'hot'. The same survey in UCLA shows statistics about attractive aspects of rape in men's opinion. The same educated boys also stated, for example, that: "93.1% liked to dominate women during sex" and "63.5% got excited to see a woman struggle over sex" (165). Men, although I think is not a justifiable 'excuse', commit rape actions for fantasy purposes, and unfortunately, these are fed by women's rape fantasies.
       Finally, some men claim to misunderstand women's expressions, although I personally think it's difficult to mishear a capital 'NO!', or to not feel a violent struggle. Men blame many things such as alcohol, drugs, women's clothing, etc. but I think it's pretty evident that rape is within a man's control. Men also sometimes state that women asked to be raped. The same UCLA survey stated that : 83.5% of boys said that some women just look like they're asking to get raped." (165). Well, by definition, it isn't rape if they ask for it. 
       When a man attempts to blame rape on something else, especially the woman, they give themselves a mentality saying "if I can get away with it this time, I can get away with it again in the future". The ugly truth is that rapist often are found 'non-guilty' because lawyers hammer the prosecutors, but also because women are 1) insecure and end up giving in to the pressure or 2) are too scared or embarrassed to share their story and challenge a male oppressor. Although I fully understand the bravery it takes, I urge female victims to stand up for themselves in order to better the world and the rape problem.
       Unfortunately, I haven't developed a concrete answer to why men commit rape. In my opinion, rape seems so grotesque and foreign that I'm glad I can't find a legitimate reason but I do understand more why rape occurs: because they are influenced to do so, because it seems 'okay', because they find it 'hot', or because they feel they can get away with it/blame it on something else.
       In my next post in this sequence, I will discuss the consequences of rape: the effects on women's bodies, their sex-life, and their views of men.

Goodnight, World.

The Reason for Rape: Man's Motivation (2)

Hello, World.

       Since roughly 90 percent of rape is committed by men, where women are the victims, I felt it most appropriate to discuss a man's motivation in order to discover the reason for rape. One might say, well, maybe the man just wants to have sex. However, I really don't think it's that simple. Not only is rape illegal, it is strongly against morals that most people believe in. It also has the power to extremely damage a women as well as prevent her from  ever having proper sexual intercourse in the future. With so many reasons against the action of rape, a man's motivation must be discussion worthy. In the Beauty Myth, Naomi Wolf discusses some possible motivations for men, but also what has shaped men's thoughts and encouraged men to commit sexual violence.
       Wolf states that men are men. They usually exhibit more sexually aroused behaviour and are constantly pursuing sexual actions. Although rape seems to be a very extreme way of satisfying sexual desire, Wolf tells us that Catharine MacKinnon, a research scientist, says that men's desire is similar to a "hydraulic model" and that rape "lets off steam" (137-138). However, this explanation for rape seems to be too simple.
       In the first post of this sequence, I discussed influences for rape. Similar to the media's influence on women depictions, men are affected by images in the modern day industry. Since women are increasingly portrayed as submissive and controlled, men obviously develop a sense that it is okay to commit sexual violence to a woman.
       In addition, Wolf describes a research about men's views about rape:
"In 1986, UCLA researcher Neil Malamuth reported that 30 percent of college men said they would commit rape if they could be sure of getting away with it...When the survey changed the word "rape" into the phrase "force a women into having sex", 58 percent said that they would" (165).
 This shows that men often don't even care about the moral implications, but that they are scared of getting caught. A scary fact, in case you didn't notice, is that these are intelligent, educated boys, who attend UCLA. They are not random psychos, they are ordinary people, like you and me.
       At this moment, I will continue my ideas into another blog post. I will continue discussing men wanting to get away with rape as well as the excuses they use to be able to develop a "if I can get away with it once, I can get away with it again" mentality to encourage them to rape more women.

Goodbye, World.