Monday 31 January 2011

"The End of Men" - I Think Not!

Hello World,

       I recently enrolled in a class of 'Women's Literature' and I wanted to start this blog with a short writing discussing a recently published article titled 'The End of Men' by Hanna Rosin in The Atlantic. Rosin discusses the decrease of men-related supremacy and how we have no reached "the end of the age of testosterone".
       Although I agree with a number of points she has brought up, she has failed to correctly analyse this monumental change of women equality which resulted in a poor conclusion that I don't agree with. The best thing Rosin does in her article is her inclusion statistics that prove a change in women's rights such as "women now hold 51.4 percent of managerial and professional jobs - up from 26." and "[Women] hold about one half of all banking and insurance jobs". Evidently, this represents a change, after so many years (well, more like centuries), in equal opportunities for women. However, Rosin says that this increase in feminine power will eventually surpass its counterpart. Supposedly, "[men] are failing to adapt" and that they will soon be "annihilated".
       I believe that this isn't a masculine apocalypse! This is not the 'End of Men'. I feel that FINALLY, humankind has reached a gender equilibrium. We have realised that inequality must be fought and we are so close so our goal. Feminine supremacy shatters this idea and therefore I think we will not reach the 'End of Men'.

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