Hello, World.
In this post, I will continue discussing A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, by Mary Wollstonecraft, and how nature and society are examined to understand their effects on female inequality.
Wollstonecraft not only discusses how nature has affected what roles society has created for each gender, but also the concrete beliefs and attitudes that each sex has developed against each other; this is more significant towards women. Wollstonecraft discusses upbringing and education and how we are raised to believe something.
"One cause of this barren blooming I attribute to a false system of education, gathered from the books written on this subject by men who, considering females rather as women than as human creatures, have been more anxious to make them alluring mistresses than affectionate wives and rational mothers"(1-2).
The most important part of Wollstonecraft's argument is how 'education has shaped men's views of women as objects rather than as human beings. Men, and women actually, have been raised to believe that not only are males superior, but that women are so alienated that they are almost their own species. Wollstonecraft is more broadly telling us that a big factor of gender separation and discrimination is the way we are raised, the fact that the society we are born to has encoded us with specific views and beliefs towards women.

Lastly, I want to touch upon Wollstonecraft's direct views regarding the effects of upbringing on gender discrimination. Very interestingly, she talks about child play behaviour, which similarly to my Civil Rights Movement example, discusses how a child's education shapes his thoughts and beliefs later in life. "Girls and boys, in short, would play harmlessly together" is the main idea the Wollstonecraft conveys (45). She says "the doll will never excite [a girl's] attention unless confinement allows her no alternative" and that they would play just as happily participating in 'boy-restricted' play activities (45).
In my opinion, this is just yet another example that Wollstonecraft discusses in order to prove that in most situations, confinement seems ridiculous and that female oppression has led to nothing except unexplained prejudice and a lack of equal opportunity, from child play behaviour all the way to adult professions. She stresses the importance of how nature shapes the division of the sexes, but more importantly how society, and mankind, is the true cause for female inequality. Goodnight, World.
Ms. Tally,
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